Groth Corporation
Groth Corporation’s Pressure/Vacuum Relief Valves, Pressure Relief Valves, Vacuum Relief Valves, Pilot Operated Valves, Flame and Detonation Arresters, Emergency Relief Valves, Waste Gas Burners, Pressure Regulators and more have been protecting refineries, chemical processing plants and facilities with atmospheric, fixed-roof storage tanks for more than 50 years.
Relief Valve / Pressure / Vacuum Relief Valve
The Model 1200A pressure vacuum relief valve is designed to protect
your tank from damage created by overpressure or excessive vacuum.
Costly product evaporation losses due to normal tank “breathing” are greatly reduced.
Because the Model 1200A retains toxic vapors, atmospheric contamination is minimized. This helps to provide increased fire protection and safety.

Relief Valve / Pressure / Vacuum Relief Valve w / Pipe-Away
Model 1220A is used for pressure and vacuum relief where vapors must be piped away.
Escaping vapors are piped away through a flanged outlet connection.
This helps to provide increased fire protection and safety.
Relief Valve / Pressure Relief Valve w / Pipe-away and Pressure Spring
Model 1261A Pressure Relief Valve is a spring-loaded version of the 1260A PRV for use at pressures of 1 PSIG and above.
See catalog for technical information.

Relief Valve / Pilot Operated Relief Valve w / Vacuum Breaker
The Groth 1400 Series Pilot-Operated Relief Valves are used to replace weight-loaded or spring-loaded valves in many applications to increase efficiency and reduce evaporation losses.
Several advantages are obtained over the traditional valves.
For example, the process pressures may be closer to the set pressure than would be considered prudent and safe with the traditional valve.
Additionally, greater conservation is obtained due to minimum product loss which in turn provides increased profits.
Relief Valve / Pressure / Vacuum Valve & Flame Arrester
The Model 8800A Pressure/Vacuum Valve & Flame Arrester combination units are designed to protect your tank from damage created by over- pressure or excessive vacuum, at the same time that they provide protection from externally caused sources of heat and ignition.
The result is increased fire protection and safety.
End of Line
Gas Group: NEC D, IEC IIA
Pre-Ignition Pressure = Atmosphere

Emergency Relief
Emergency Pressure Vacuum Relief Valve, Weight-loaded; Hinged
The Groth Model 2450A Emergency Pressure Vacuum Relief Valve is designed to provide emergency relief capacity beyond that furnished by the normal operating pressure/vacuum relief valve on the tank.
The valve protects the tank against rupture or excessive internal pressures caused by fire exposure, etc. The valve is designed to be self-closing. As excessive pressure builds up, it relieves, then reseats when over pressure has been dissipated.
Model 2450A is built of corrosion resistant materials throughout. Groth’s special fluoropolymer “cushioned air” pallet and peripheral guiding ensures proper alignment and integrity of seating.
Vents & Hatches
Gauge Hatch – Locked Down Hinged Cover
The Groth 6000 Series provides access for gauging or obtaining product samples from storage tanks.
The Model 6100 incorporates a positive cover hold down which assures a premium tight seal on tanks with internal pressures up to 3 psig.
Gasketed covers are recommended on tanks with high pressure settings.

Biogas Solutions
Back Pressure Check Valve
The Groth Model 8110 Back Pressure Check Valve is used specifically in low pressure gas control lines where minimum pressure drops and maximum flow capacity are required.
Model 8110 valves are built of corrosion resistant components.
Furnished standard in aluminum with a free-swinging aluminum pendulum type pallet. By removing the cover, easy access is provided for quick inspection and maintenance.
Model 8110 check valves should be installed in your low-pressure line downstream of meters, regulators, and other gas control devices that may be otherwise damaged by an accidental reversal of the pressure in the system due to pressure waves from a flashback or similar disturbance.
Groth Corporation